COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
Workplace DVD Video Training
The COVID-19 pandemic is unsettling and upsetting. It has changed the way we live and interact on a daily basis.
HR Proactive's DVD Video Training will help your employees understand and learn the facts on COVID-19.
Demo of COVID-19: Maintaining Healthy Workplaces
COVID-19: Maintaining Healthy Workplaces – covers the following fact-based information:
- What the COVID-19 virus is, how it is transmitted and your safety.
- Protocol to follow in the event of potential or actual exposure to the virus.
- How to cope during the outbreak.
- Discrimination and social stigma.
All 5 of our programs on one convient DVD
- COVID-19: Maintaining Healthy Workplaces​
- COVID-19: PPE -Respiratory Protection
- COVID-19: Disinfecting the Workplace
- COVID-19: Adjusting to Working-From-Home
- COVID-19: Managing Stress through Resiliency